KonoSuba - Gaming Community

Konosuba is a gaming community with big ambitions. At the moment we are developing our bots in Telegram and Discord. In the future, we will have our own game servers for popular online games.

Прогресс разработки:


Бот TG

Бот DS

Game servers

Support development


Перевод RUB (Tinkoff)

4377 7237 6703 2141

Перевод UAH ()

5375 4114 1296 8419


Dear @scorpion_0077 wrote a free beautiful bot called @boginya_aqua_bot which you can add to any of your conversations right now.

Currently, the bot has the following commands:

  • /dick - Play with me. A game of divine pistron with the goddess Aqua. Every day you can experience good luck in the hope of growing your pistron. Your pistrune can grow up to 10 cm or shrink to 5 cm. With a 1/101 chance you can get hit by a tractor and lose your pistrin
  • /top - Show the top players with the biggest punters in this chat
  • /gift N @username - Gift N cm of your pistring to a player named @username from your chat. The player must be registered in the game.
  • /epic - Goddess will show you all the free games from the Epic Store this week, as well as upcoming goodies
  • /music title - Goddess will try to find you a track by title
  • /yt title - Goddess will try to find you a video by title
  • /solve - Goddess fumbles in mathematics (a bit). Write /solve and your task
  • /wiki word - Goddess will punish illiterate bastards
  • /anime by replying to photo BETA - The goddess will generate an anime version of the character in the photo
  • /help - Goddess will show you a list of commands


Dear @scorpion_0077 with equally respected @SweetWelpe wrote a beautiful free bot called Aqua. You cannot add it to your discord channel, but you can use it in our Discord

Currently, the bot has the following commands:

  • aqua help - The Goddess will show you a list of commands.
  • aqua play Track name - Goddess will turn on the track in the channel.
  • aqua skip - The goddess will skip the track.
  • aqua stop - Goddess will immediately stop the track
  • aqua (ebash trambon brue minus3 knife thisguy badum of your choice) - The Goddess will turn on a funny joke (audio meme) according to the name.
  • aqua dick In developing - Play with me. A game of divine pistron with the goddess Aqua. Every day you can experience good luck in the hope of growing your pistron. Your pistrune can grow up to 10 cm or shrink to 5 cm. With a 1/101 chance you can get hit by a tractor and lose your pistrin
  • aqua gift @username In developing - Give N see your pistron to the player @username from your chat. The player must be registered in the game.
  • /anime reply to photo In developing - Goddess will generate an anime version of the character in the photo